Rental Custom made 14m Motor Yacht - 34

Eminönü, Istanbul
Motoryacht-Owner: Veli
Dining Capacity: 7 - Full Capacity: 7
This capacity is determined by legal regulations. Thus, cannot be exceeded, even for children and babies.

Rental Terms

You can instantly reserve this boat without waiting for a response
Minimum rental period: 2 hours
Remaining payment options: Cash
Free returns up to the last 72 hours

You can do swimming tours on this boat!

On hot summer days, you can cool off in the cool waters of the sea by renting through this boat.
Select swimming tour >

Terms of use

Organization company from outside can be brought inPhotographers can be brought in from outsideOrganizer for henna can be broughtSound system is available and you can use itAlcohol can be consumedAlcohol can be brought from outside


Audio System with Usb InputAudio System with Aux InputBluetooth Audio SystemIndoor SpeakerOutdoor SpeakerWC

Safety Equipments

Life BuoyLife VestEmergency TillerDanger FlareFire ExtinguisherFirst Aid Supplies

Description of Veli's motor yacht

With our 15 years of experience, we are working to be your assistant on all your special occasions, with the principle of providing the most appropriate comfort to our valued guests, with our fully renovated boat, which has undergone land maintenance in 2023, and our friendly staff. If the tabel service is not selected for tours where food and beverages will be brought from outside, there will be an extra 200 TL cleaning fee. Our tours start from Eminönü and Unkapanı ports. We usually go to Arnavutköy and return on 2 hours Bosphorus tours. In 3 hours Bosphorus tours, we go up to the 2nd bridge and return. We can increase the distance for longer tours. You can rent our boat for your tours departing from Unkapanı and Karaköy without any extra fee. If you want to rent our boat with arrival/departure from Kadıköy, you need to rent it for 2 hours extra due to the extra time on the road. If you want to rent our boat with arrival/departure from Üsküdar or Beşiktaş, you need to rent 1 hour extra. Berthing fees for ports other than Eminönü and Unkapanı are the charged to our customers. In order to see the entire Bosphorus in our tours, we go from the European side and on the return from the Anatolian side. When choosing extra decorations, we adjust the decoration colors according to your wishes. There are private changing cabins on our boat. Our boat has a sound system, lighting system, party lasers and fog machine, all of them are of very high quality. To ensure that everything is ready when you join the tour, you can choose the extras you want, such as the food menu, chapter team, professional photo and video shooting, volcano show and laser show on the Bosphorus, before making your reservation. 🍽️ 🎊When you bring your own food and drinks, you must choose a service table to use materials such as plates, glasses, ice and refrigerator on the boat. Additionally, we offer tea and coffee on our boat. ☕ We would be happy to see you with our experienced and friendly team for a pleasant tour on the Bosphorus. 😊


Vehicle Type:Motor Yacht
Brand:Özel yapım
Year of Construction:2014
Last Maintenance Year:2023
Number of Toilets:1
Vehicle Length:14 meter
Built Material:Wood
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Price / Performance4.76
Ma*** Ti**
11 Jan 2025 Sat
تجربة رائعة على متن اليخت في إسطنبول
لقد كانت تجربة استئجار اليخت لمدة ساعتين في إسطنبول أكثر من رائعة! منذ اللحظة الأولى، كان الطاقم ودودًا ومحترفًا، وقدموا خدمة مميزة جعلتنا نشعر بالراحة والاستمتاع. اليخت كان نظيفًا وفخمًا، ومجهزًا بجميع وسائل الراحة التي يمكن أن تحتاجها. الإبحار على طول مضيق البوسفور كان تجربة ساحرة، حيث استمتعنا بالمناظر الخلابة للمدينة، من القصور التاريخية إلى الجسور المضيئة. كان الطاقم متعاونًا جدًا واهتم بكل التفاصيل الصغيرة، مما أضاف لمسة مميزة للتجربة. أنصح بشدة بتجربة استئجار يخت في إسطنبول لمن يبحث عن لحظات استثنائية وسط أجواء رائعة وهادئة. سأكررها بالتأكيد!
Me**** Öz******
29 Dec 2024 Sun
Doğum günü
öncelikle veli kaptana teşekkür ederim yanındaki abiye de bana çok yardımcı oldular. Bana yardımları çok dokundu süslemede ikramlarda tavsiye cidden ediyorum. pişman olmazsınız. teşekkür ediyorum tekrardan.
Ta**** Al******
26 Dec 2024 Thu
Her şey çok güzeldi teşekkür ederim🤍🤍
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