You Can Make Corporate Rentals with Teknevia!
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Consumers do not have the right of withdrawal in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 1, clause (g) of the Regulation on Distance Contracts Regarding “contracts for accommodation, transportation of goods, car rental, supply of food and beverage, and leisure time for entertainment or recreation, which must be made on a certain date or period” prepared in accordance with the relevant articles of the Law on the Protection of the Consumer No. 6502.

The service/services that are the subject of this Distance Sales Agreement include renting a boat for entertainment purposes on a certain date or receiving a service for entertainment purposes (in other words, "the use of leisure time for entertainment or rest, which must be done on a certain date or period"). If the consumer approves this Distance Sales Contract for the purchase of the services subject to this contract, the consumer will not have any right of withdrawal regarding this Distance Sales Contract.